
New beginnings

<2021-09-24 Fri>

I decided to reboot my portfolio page, this time done entirely with Emacs org-mode and some CSS.

There's some satisfaction in using tools in a correct manner, not even trying to break the limitations of the document model, but instead accept it as-is, and org-mode by default excels in writing documents. No clever tricks, just a plain document tree that is understandable even without any styling whatsoever.

I've used static site generators like Next.js or 11ty before, but not having to write even a single line of JavaScript for a static web page feels so good for a change.

There is so much noise on the Internet these days, that just having a separate space for content feels blissful. No comment functionality, no never-ending stream of social media updates or things that happen elsewhere. Straight to the point.

This is in line with what I've been trying to do with my web presence for a while - decrease time scrolling or surfing webpages and rely on RSS feeds to find new content. It's actually quite refreshing to see how much time you save by going this route.